The Materials Data Science Book

Introduction to Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Data-Driven Predictions for Materials Science and Engineering

BibTeX entry for the MDS book

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@book{ Sandfeld2024_MDSbook,
    author = {Sandfeld, Stefan},
    title = {{Materials} {Data} {Science} -- {Introduction} to {Data} {Mining}, 
             {Machine} {Learning}, and {Data}-{Driven} {Predictions} for 
             {Materials} {Science} and {Engineering}},
    edition = {1},
    series = {The {Materials} {Research} {Society} {Series}},
    isbn = {978-3-031-46564-2},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-46565-9},
    language = {eng},
    publisher = {{Springer} {International}},
    year = {2024},